Certificates work! They are quick and easy to use and cost very little. Employers increasingly require professional certifications in addition to college degrees. Additionally, certified professionals are entering the workforce with only a high-school diploma and filling the demand for skilled labor in high income industries like IT. Here are some reasons why certifications are important and how they can help you land a job.
IT Has a Universal Standard
Every college degree is different and not every certificate is equally valuable. The ranking of the university on the global list of top universities will determine the degree’s value. A degree from MIT or Harvard, Yale, Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, Oxford, ETH Zurich, and Yale are all highly regarded. However, it is not the case for a lesser-ranked college.
A Microsoft Certification, is an example of a Microsoft Certification. A certification is issued by CISCO or CompTIA. All students and teachers are subject to the same standard, including the content you learn, the way you learn it, and the exams you pass. Employers around the world can use the certificate because it is issued by an international organization that upholds the standards.
IT is a skill-based field
Only the skill level is what makes a professional seasoned and one who just graduated. It is also the best way for you to learn and, more importantly, it allows you to apply what you have learned from theory. Certification programs are focused on skills teaching and practical application. Employers are more attracted to it, as skill, not knowledge, is what makes a company successful, especially in the IT sector. You learn quickly and you improve your skills along the way.
IT is highly specialized
Many certifications are niche-specific and in-depth. The focus of certifications is usually on one area, so you only need to learn about that field. Linux network security certification focuses on Linux security, not Windows firewalls or Unix firewalls. It covers all stages of the process, from basic skills to advanced skills and even development. A college degree in IT, on the other hand, covers many fields at a basic level. This is often not sufficient to meet the requirements of most employers. To be able to attain the same skills as a certification course, graduates must earn a Master’s degree.
It takes less time to get it
Because the programs and courses for certification are so specific, it takes less time to get a certificate than a degree. A certification is a great way to get started in your career sooner. Even the most complex programs won’t last longer than one year. You could be a world-renowned expert in the area you choose within the time it takes to earn a Bachelor’s Degree (6 year on average).
It is cost-effective
In 2018, research shows that the average cost to earn a degree at a four-year state college is $9,970 annually for residents of the state and $25,620 for all others. The amount of loan debt that a student has to take on over those four years is higher at $37.172. This is a significant amount of money considering the income you can make over those four years. However, certification courses are not as expensive as they seem, and some courses are completely free. You can still get the skills you need to find a job and pay your investment quickly, even though it is several thousand dollars (a two month salary in IT). This makes certification programs extremely sustainable and easy to manage.
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